If we talk about Multiple Sclerosis, it is a chronic and autoimmune neurological disorder that affects the CNS (central nervous system), including, the spinal cord, brain, and optic nerves. Some most common types of MS are secondary progressive MS, relapsing-remitting MS, clinically isolated syndrome, and primary progressive MS. If you are seeking the best Multiple Sclerosis Treatment, then you should try recoveriX. It is a brain-computer interface technology that helps rewire the brain itself to relearn lost motor functions. This interface has been introduced by g.tech medical engineering. Our company is one of the leading companies that offer an array of products such as wearable EEG headsets, biosignal amplifiers, neurotechnologies, and brain-computer interfaces.
RecoveriX is specially designed for Physical Therapy After Stroke. We offer an array of products and research activities that are widely described in peer-reviewed research publications. The main highlights of our product are foot therapy mode, hand therapy mode, mirror neuron system activation with a virtual avatar, easy, online EEG quality control, and more. The best part is that it offers easy-to-understand instructions for the patient. What’s more, there is fully guided therapy which runs for 45 minutes.
When it comes to improvement, you will find it long-lasting and permanent. The system offers three standard training into one treatment – motor imagery, functional electrical stimulation, and mirror neuron therapy. So, what are you waiting for? Try recoveriX today and enjoy incredible benefits!
For more information, you can visit our website https://recoverix.com/ or call us at +43 7251 22240