Tuesday, 18 February 2025

What Kind Of Exercises Do Patients Do During BCI Therapy?

BCI therapy is not simply sitting in a chair with electrodes on your head; it's an active, interactive process that involves mental effort, technology, and sometimes even gaming or robotics. But how does a session of BCI therapy unfold? Let us dissect it and see the various types of exercises that patients do during BCI rehabilitation.

 Mental imagery exercises

Mental imagery is one of the fundamental components of Bci-Based Neurorehabilitation. Patients are instructed to visualize moving their limbs without actually moving them. The BCI system picks up on the brain signals associated with imagined movements and converts them into feedback in real time. For instance, a patient with a stroke can imagine holding something, and the BCI system would decode and reinforce those signals.

2.     Motor training with virtual reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is commonly used in conjunction with recoveriX BCI therapy to render rehabilitation more interactive. Patients can view a virtual arm or leg on a monitor and move it using their brain signals.

3.     EEG-based feedback games

Gamification is another large aspect of BCI rehabilitation. Patients tend to play EEG-based games in which they move objects on a screen with their minds. Aside from physical rehabilitation, other BCI therapies target cognitive processes such as memory and attention.

4.     Mirror therapy with BCI integration

Mirror therapy is also employed in Stroke Rehabiliation in combination with BCI. A patient may put their healthy limb in front of a mirror while the BCI system records their brain activity. The brain is tricked into thinking that both limbs are moving, which can speed up recovery by activating the affected side.


For more information, you can visit our website https://recoverix.com/ or call us at +43 7251 22240


Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Can BCI Help Restore Speech After A Stroke?

Life-altering effects of strokes can surface, and losing the voice is undoubtedly one of the worst fates a patient can face. May BCIs represent the solution to the problem for stroke patients when it comes to recovering their voices?

What is BCI?


BCIs can indeed be a method of direct communication between the human brain and an external device. By translating the electrical signals from the brain to commands, BCI in Stroke Rehabilitation enables people to control computers or even robotic limbs and communication systems strictly through thoughts.


How does BCI restore speech?


In aphasia, a state in which the stroke survivor is unable to speak; Multiple Sclerosis Treatment would provide communication once again. Using neural activity from speech areas of the brain, a BCI system decodes what an individual wants to express and may generate text or even synthesized speech to convey his words.




·         Read Brain Signals: Activity related to the production of speech by electrodes positioned in or above the brain is sensed.

·         Decoding Thoughts: AI-powered algorithms decode the signals and associate them with the words or phonemes.

·         Speech Generation: A computer or voice synthesizer creates the intended words in real-time.


Recent advances


Recent studies by recoveriX have shown that BCI has the potential to restore speech. In 2021, researchers were able to enable a paralyzed man to communicate by converting his brain signals into text at a rate of 15 words per minute. Recently, a team at UCSF developed a system that allows a stroke survivor to "speak" through an avatar, simply by thinking about words.


For more information, you can visit our website https://recoverix.com/ or call us at +43 7251 22240

Can BCI Be Combined With Other Rehab Techniques Like Robotics Or VR?

Although BCI by itself is a stroke recovery breakthrough, when it is paired with robotics and VR, rehabilitation is elevated to a higher lev...